Point of Sale Hardware
A retail point of sale system typically includes the use of high-end POS hardware devices in Kenya such as point of sale Terminal, Receipt thermal printers, touch screen monitor, pos hardware pole display, Barcode label printers, Barcode scanners, point of sale cash drawers, card readers and computers.
We specialize in the importation of high-end POS hardware in Kenya. We are therefore able to drastically reduce the costs of doing business for you. As our customer, we’ll enable you to do business electronically at a reduced cost. We will install and setup the essential POS hardware equipment such computer, receipt thermal printer, scanners, pole display, and cash drawer to enable the immediate startup of your business.
We provide POS Hardware and Software for all major towns in Kenya, i.e. Nairobi, Kisumu, and so on. HDPOS Solutions has branches in Kisumu and Nairobi. We sell a variety of Point of Sale Software for restaurant and bar, supermarket, wholesale or retail shops, grocery stores, pharmacy. For your POS Software and Hardware requirements feel free to call us or ask for a quote using the contact form on the sidebar of this page.